Ischnoderma resinosum (Schrad.) P. Karst.

Syn:Polyporus resinosus Fr. Polyporus benzoinus Wahlb.Profile Group: Basidiomycota, Polyporales
Macroscopic charactersshapeDimidiate with tapering base; or broadly attached
sizeLarge; up to 12 cm wide
textureFirst fleshy; later hard and brittle
pileusFinely tomentose; dark brown; slightly glossy black resinous crust
contextFirst whitish; ochraceous and quite hard with age
pore surfaceFirst whitish later pale brown; bruising darker when touched
poresAngular to round; 4-6 per mm
tube layer(s)Up to 10 mm deep
Microscopic charactershyphal systemDimitic
clamp connectionsPresent on generative hyphae
sterile elementsNone
basidiosporesCylindrical; hyaline; thin-walled; 5-7 x 1.5 2 um
Habitat characterssubstrate/hostDead wood of hardwoods
seasonalityPerennial; can be found throughout the year
type of decayWhite rot of dead conifers and hardwoods; strong anise odor
rangeWidespread in North America from Florida to Manitoba, and in the west from Arizona to Alaska
NotesRecognized by annual sappy basidiocarp with a dark brown-black pileus; pore surface stains rapidly when touched
ReferencesOverholts, 1953; Gilbertson & Ryvarden, 1986.
Species distribution in North Carolina
Resupinate pore surface
Top view of basidiocarps
Pore surface (scale in cm)
Cut away view showing context
Skeletal hyphae with clamps at 400x
Skeletal hyphae at 200x
Spores at 1000x