Triangle Mycological Society

The mission of the Triangle Mycological Society (TMS) is to foster community in the Triangle-Piedmont region through a shared appreciation for fungi. We host guided forays as well as presentations on all aspects of mycology, including mushroom identification, home cultivation, sustainable foraging, and scientific research. We aim to promote citizen science, academic discovery, and conservation of fungi and welcome members of all identities and skill levels. Scroll to the bottom of this page to become a member.

TMS Executive Team

Joshua Braun
Scott La Greca
Vice President
Mira Polishook
Media Manager
Michael Bradshaw
Scientific Advisor
Rytas Vilgalys
Scientific Advisor
Marc Cubeta
Scientific Advisor

TMS News

Below is a photo of our featured fungus for November/December, the “Bimonthly Binomial.” Can you guess what it is? Click here to find out!

Funding Opportunity

Calling all students and teachers! Do you have an idea for incorporating mycology into your research or curriculum? A small amount of funding, ranging from approximately $500 to $1,000, is available for students and teachers who want to utilize the herbarium collections or equipment for research and/or education. No affiliation with NC State or TMS is necessary. Interested applicants are encouraged to submit a Curriculum Vitae (CV), a cover letter, and a 2-page research proposal (references not included) to for consideration. Feel free to share this opportunity with students and educators in your life!

Support TMS and Fungal Conservation

As we begin the trial-and-error process that accompanies the start of a new organization, we feel it is only right to have open and free membership for the foreseeable future. In other words, signing up for the newsletter below means you are a member of the Triangle Mycological Society! We are fortunate that Triangle Mycological Society is housed within the Larry F. Grand Mycological Herbarium at North Carolina State University, which can provide financial support for club activities if needed. While membership is free for now, we encourage a donation of $20 to the herbarium, which directly supports not only the Triangle Mycological Society, but also herbarium operations, equipment (like microscopes and cameras, which TMS will have access to), and the advancement of mycological research.

Become a member!

Membership is currently free and open to all. In other words, signing up below means you are a member of the Triangle Mycological Society! Our membership newsletter includes foray, workshop, and lecture information, as well as recipes and guest columns. Whether you’re an enthusiastic beginner or seasoned expert, we welcome you into our mycophilic community!
