Spongipellis unicolor (Schwein.) Murrill

Syn:Polyporus obtusus Berk.Profile Group: Basidiomycota, Polyporales, Polyporaceae
Macroscopic charactersshapeDimidiate; ungulate to applanate
sizeUp to 10 x 18 x 13 cm
textureFinely hispid to tometose or finally glabrous
pileusCinnamon buff or ochraceous tawny with age
contextPale buff
pore surfacePale buff to ochraceous
poresCircular to angular; often daedaleoid; 1-2 mm in diameter
tube layer(s)Concolorous and continuous with the context, up to 2 cm thick
Microscopic charactershyphal systemMonomitic
clamp connectionsOn thick walled generative hyphae
sterile elementsNone
basidiosporesOvoid to ellipsoid; hyaline; smooth; 7-9 x 6-7 um
Habitat characterssubstrate/hostCommonly on living oaks but occasionally on hosts in other genera
type of decayWhite trunk rot of living hardwoods
rangeTo be expected throughout the range of oaks in North America. Common in Arizona and New Mexico. Known only in North America.
NotesReadily recognized in the field by the thick, pale brownish, sessile basidiocarps with large pores. Microscopically the monomitic hyphal system with thick-walled generative hyphae with abundant clamps and ellipsoid spores are distinctive.
ReferencesOverholts, 1953; Gilbertson & Ryvarden, 1986.
Species distribution in North Carolina
Habit of Basidiocarps
Habit of Basidiocarps
Habit of Basidiocarps
Basidiospores – 1000 X
Thick Walled Generative Hyphae with Clamps – 400 X
Thick Walled Generative Hyphae with Clamps – 400 X
Thick Walled Generative Skeletal Hyphae – 400 X