Macroscopic characters | shape | Sessile to effused-reflexed ; dimidiate to elongated |
size | Up to 13 cm broad x 7 cm long x 0.5-2 cm thick |
texture | Leathery when fresh |
pileus | Glaborus; azonate; ochraceous salmon to apricot orange becoming paler with age |
stipe | None |
context | Red to pale orange; soft; fibrous to corky; zonate; up to 1.5 cm thick |
pore surface | English red to coral red |
pores | 3-4 per mm; circular to angular |
tube layer(s) | Concolorous with context |
Microscopic characters | hyphal system | Trimitic; skeletal hyphae thick-walled, aseptate, up to 10 um wide; binding hyphae branched, thick-walled, aseptate, up to 5 um wide |
clamp connections | Contextual generative hyphae thin-walled with clamps |
sterile elements | None |
basidiospores | Cylindrical; slightly curved; hyaline; smooth; 6-8 x 2.5-3 µm |
Habitat characters | substrate/host | Dead wood of numerous genera of hardwoods; rarely on dead conifers |
seasonality | Annual |
type of decay | White rot |
range | Throughout North America north to Alaska and Northwest Territories; circumglobal in North Temperate Zone |
Notes | Typically thicker than Pycnoporus sanguineus and colors fading with age compared to P. sanguineus |
References | Gilbertson & Ryvarden, 1987; Overholts, 1953 |