It is a major objective to computerize collections in the herbarium for eventual release to the world wide mycological community and other interested groups via the internet. This will provide access to data such as species, hosts, geographic locations, habitats and seasonality.
As we continue to digitize our entire collections, searchable data from our collections are regularly uploaded to The Mycological Collections data Portal (MyCoportal). To search our collections exclusively, navigate from “Search Collections” on the left navigation section of the MyCoportal website. “Deselect all Collections” and “select” only “NCSLG”. Then click “Search” on the right or lower sections of the page.
Mycology Collections data Portal
Our collections are also ported to iDigBio and can be searched by selecting the “Search Records” menu from the navigation bar. Select “Institution Code” from the list “Add a field” “Institution. Our institution code is NCSLG