Polyporus squamosus (Huds.) Fr.

Syn:Polyporus mori (Pollini)PolliniProfile Group: Basidiomycota, Polyporales, Polyporaceae
Macroscopic charactersshapeLaterally stipitate; dimidiate, reniform or circular
sizeUp to 18 cm broad  x 5 cm thick
pileusPale buff with dark scale-like patches
stipeBlack; minutely tomentose at base; remainder of stipe usually covered by decurrent tube layer
contextPale buff; corky; azonate; up to 4 cm thick
pore surfaceBuff to light brown
poresAngular; 1-2 per mm
tube layer(s)Concolorous with context; up to 1 cm thick; decurrent on stipe down to black basal portion
Microscopic charactershyphal systemDimitic; binding hylphae thick-walled; aseptate
clamp connectionsContextual generative hyphae thin-walled with clamps
sterile elementsNone
basidiosporesBroadly cylindric; hyaline; smooth; 16-20 x 6-9 µm
Habitat characterssubstrate/hostLiving hardwoods; also frequently found fruiting on stumps; dead standing; fallen trees
type of decayWhite heart rot of living and dead hardwoods
rangeWidely distributed and common through eastern and central hardwood forests; in the West over the range of aspen from Alberta to Arizona but not often collected
NotesBasidiospores largest of poroid species in North America
ReferencesGilbertson & Ryvarden, , 1987; Overholts, 1953
Species distribution in North Carolina
Habit of Basidiocarps
Habit of Basidiocarps
Basidiospores – 1000 X
Skeletal Hyphae – 400 X
Skeletal Hyphae – 400 X
Skeletal Hyphae – 400 X