Phaeolus schweinitzii (Fr.) Pat

Syn:Polyporus schweinitzii Fr.Profile Group: Basidiomycota, Polyporales
Macroscopic charactersshapeCircular or irregularly lobed
sizeUp to 25 cm in diameter
textureSoft fibrous when young; corky to somewhat brittle with age
pileusSolitary or imbricate; orange at first; yellowish-brown at maturity; faintly zonate; tomentose to hirstute
stipeCentral or lateral; short and stout; simple or branched; up to 5 cm diameter; tomentose to hirstute
contextYellowish-brown; becoming dark rusty-brown with age; soft; azonate
pore surfaceOrange at first; becoming greenish-brown then yellowish to rusty brown with age
poresAngular; 1-2 per mm
tube layer(s)Decurrent, distinct from context; greenish to rusty brown; up to 1.5 cm thick
Microscopic charactershyphal systemMonomitic
clamp connectionsN/A
sterile elementsCystidia frequent; yellowish; cylindrical
basidiosporesEllipsoid to ovoid; hyaline; smooth; 6-9 um x 2.5-5 um
Habitat characterssubstrate/hostGrows from roots or occasionally effused-reflexed on base of living trees or stumps; living conifers; especially pines in southeastern United States
type of decayBrown cubical rot of heartwood of butt and roots of living conifers.
rangeThroughout the conifer forest ecosystems of North America
NotesThin, whitish, resinous mycelial felts are present in shrinkage cracks. Major cause of butt rott in Douglas fir and other commercial timber species
ReferencesOverholts, 1953; Gilbertson & Ryvarden, 1986. Grand & Vernia, 2000, 2002.
Top view of basidiocarp
View of pore surface (scale in cm)
Cutaway view of context
Spores at 1000x
Spores at 1000x
Cystidoles 400x
Vascular elements from hymenium at 200x

Thick-walled contextual hyphae at 400x