Macroscopic characters | shape | Dimidiate to semicircular or broadly attached |
size | 1-5 x 2-8 x 0.3-2.0 cm |
texture | Corky; coriaceous |
pileus | Smooth; becoming cracked in older specimens; slightly zonate; hard crust; brownish gray to blackish gray; often greenish tint in age; tomentose to hispid |
stipe | N/A |
context | Brown; up to 6 cm thick; fibrous |
pore surface | Brown; convex |
pores | Lamellae-like; dichotomously forked |
tube layer(s) | Up to 12 mm deep at the base |
Microscopic characters | hyphal system | Trimitic |
clamp connections | Present on generative hyphae; sparse |
sterile elements | N/A |
basidiospores | Cylindric; slightly bent; hyaline; 5-6 x 2-3 um |
Habitat characters | substrate/host | Hardwoods; preferably on Betula spp.; occasionally on conifers |
seasonality | Annual |
type of decay | White rot of dead hardwoods |
range | Common throughout the eastern and Midwestern hardwood forests of North America; extremely rare in the central Rocky Mountains |
Notes | Easy to recognize due to hirsute to tomentose zoned pileus and the lamellate hymenophore |
References | Overholts, 1953 Gilbertson & Ryvarden, 1986. |