Macroscopic characters | shape | Broad; fan shaped to obtusely semicircular |
size | 3-45 cm wide |
texture | Fleshy when fresh; becoming chalky to fibrous |
pileus | Bright to pale orange; often with vague concentric bands; velvety to densely matted; dry |
stipe | Forms rosettes at base of oaks; stipe short to non-existent |
context | Pale yellow; thicker at central stipe attachment |
pore surface | Cream to nearly white; 4-6 um diameter |
pores | Circular; angular in age; 2-4 per mm |
tube layer(s) | 1-5 mm long |
Microscopic characters | hyphal system | Dimitic |
clamp connections | N/A |
sterile elements | N/A |
basidiospores | Broadly ovoid; hyaline; thin walled; smooth; 4.5-5.5 x 3.5-4 um |
Habitat characters | substrate/host | Base of living oaks; reported on pine species |
seasonality | July through October |
type of decay | Brown rot of living and dead trees |
range | East of the Rocky Mountains |
Notes | Confused with L. sulphureus in the past |
References | Burdsall & Banik, 2001. |