Gloeophyllum sepiarium (Wulfen)P. Karst.

Syn:Lenzites sepiariaProfile Group: Basidiomycota, Gloeophyllales, Gloeophyllaceae
Macroscopic charactersshapeBroadly sessile; dimidiate; rosette shaped; basidiocarps may fuse laterially
sizeUp to 7 cm broad ; 12 cm long; 6-8 mm thick
textureTough; flexible
pileusBright yellowish brown becoming reddish brown with age; hirsute to hispid to scrupose to smooth with age
contextDark brown
pore surfaceLight golden brown when young , brown with age
poresRadially elongated to lamellate; 1-2 per mm
tube layer(s)Up to 5 mm thick
Microscopic charactershyphal systemTrimitic; skeletal hyphae thick-walled, golden brown; binding hyphae rare, thick-walled, light golden brown, tortuous
clamp connectionsGenerative hyphae thin to thick-walled with clamps
sterile elementsCystidia abundant in hymenium; subulate to obtuse; thin to thick-walled with age; some extremely elongated; not or slightly projecting; 25-95 x 3-7 µm; usually smooth; more rarely with a small crown of crystals
basidiosporesCylindrical; 9-13 x 3-5 µm; hyaline; smooth
Habitat characterssubstrate/hostUsually on dead coniferous wood
seasonalityAnnual to perennial
type of decayBrown rot
rangeWidespread in North America; seemingly present wherever there are coniferous forests; circumglobal thorough USSR, Japan, and China to Europe
ReferencesGilbertson & Ryvarden, 1986; Overholts, 1953
Species distribution in North Carolina
Habit of Basidiocarps – Top View
Habit of Basidiocarps – Top View
Habit of Basidiocarp – Bottom View
Habit of Basidiocarps
Basidiospore – 1000 X
Cystidia – 400 X
Skeletal Hypha – 400 X