Ganoderma applanatum (Pers.) Pat.

Syn:Fomes applanatum (Pers.)GilletProfile Group: Basidiomycota, Polyporales, Polyporaceae
Macroscopic charactersshapeSessile; applanate; rarely ungulate
sizeUp to 30 x 20 x 10-12 cm
textureWoody to corky
pileusCrusty; dark gray to gray-black; smooth; often brown from spore deposit
contextPurplish brown; corky
pore surfaceWhite on fresh specimens; bruising dark brown when injured; becoming dull buff in age
poresCircular; 4-6 per mm
tube layer(s)Concolorous with context; separated by a layer of context tissue; up to 13.5 mm thick
Microscopic charactershyphal systemTrimitic; skeletal hyphae thick-walled, brown, aseptate; binding hyphae rare, thick-walled, hyaline
clamp connectionsContextual generative hyphae inconspicuous; thin-walled with clamps
sterile elementsNone
basidiosporesOvoid; truncate at the distal end with two walls; connected by inter-wall pillars; brown
Habitat characterssubstrate/hostDead standing trees; stumps and living trees of numerous genera of hardwoods; common on maples and beech in SE US
type of decayWhite mottled rot and butt rot of living trtees; also found on dead standing or fallen hardwoods
rangeApparently throughout the forest regions of the U.S. and Canada; cosmopolitan species
ReferencesGilbertson & Ryvarden, 1986; Grand & Vernia, 2005B; Overholts, 1953
Species distribution in North Carolina
Habit of Basidiocarps
Habit of Basidiocarps
Habit of Basidiocarps
Habit of Basidiocarps
Basidiospores – 1000 X
Skeletal Hyphae – 400 X