Daedaleopsis confragosa (Bolton) Schroet.

Syn:Agaricus confragosus (Bolton) Murrill Ischnoderma tricolor (Bull.) ZmitrProfile Group: Basidiomycota, Polyporales
Macroscopic charactersshapeDimidiate
sizeUp to 12 cm wide
textureCorky to leathery
pileusBuff to light brown; usually zonate and shallowly sulcate; matted- strigose to glabrous
contextPale buff to brown; corky
pore surfaceLight buff; becoming brown in age
poresVariable; circular or radially elongated; up to 1 mm in diameter; daedaleoid
tube layer(s)Concolorus and continuous with context; up to 10 mm thick
Microscopic charactershyphal systemTrimitic
clamp connectionsGenerative hyphae with clamps
sterile elementsBranching dendrohyphidia present; 2-3 um in diameter
basidiosporesCylindric; slightly curved; hyaline; smooth; 9-11 x 2-2.5 um
Habitat characterssubstrate/hostOn dead wood of many hardwood genera
type of decayWhite rot of dead hardwoods and conifers
rangeCommon throughout eastern and southern hardwood forests; infrequent in western North America but known from the Northwest and Southwest
NotesOne of the most variable of the polypores
ReferencesOverholts, 1953 Gilbertson & Ryvarden, 1986. Grand & Vernia, 2002
Species distribution in North Carolina
Top view of basidiocarps
View of lamellae
Binding and skeletal hyphae at 200x
Generative hyphae at 200x
Binding hyphae at 200x
Spores at 1000x