Bondarzewia berkeleyi (Fr.) Bondartsev & Singer

Syn:Polyporus berkeleyi Fr.Profile Group: Basidiomycota, Russulales, Bondarzewiaceae
Macroscopic charactersshapeStipitate; imbricate in large clusters, often in a rosette form
sizeLarge, up to 25 x 15 x 3 cm
textureTought to corky
pileusTan to yellowish; finely tomentose or appressed-strigose to glabrous
stipeBranched; lateral; up to 8 cm thick
contextPale buff; corky
pore surfaceTan
poresCircular to angular; 1-2 per mm
tube layer(s)Concolorous and continuous with context; decurrent on stipe; up to 2 cm thick
Microscopic charactershyphal systemDimitic; skeletal hyphae very thick
clamp connectionsNone
sterile elementsNone
basidiosporesGlobose to subglobose; hyaline; ornamented with short; irregularly arranged; strongly amyloid ridges; 7-9 x 6-8 µm
Habitat characterssubstrate/hostFruiting from the base of hardwood trees and stumps; particularly common Quercus and Castanea
type of decayWhite stringy rot of the heartwood in roots and butts of living hardwoods; continuing decay in dead trees and stumps
rangeHardwood forest regions of eastern North America
NotesDeveloping from an underground sclerotium
ReferencesGilberrtsin & Ryvarden, 1986; Grand & Vernia, 2007; Overholts, 1953
Species distribution in North Carolina

Habit of Basidiocarps
Habit of Basidiocarps
Habit of Basidiocarps
Pore Surface

Basidiospores – 1000 X
Basidiospores – 1000 X Amyloid Reaction
Skeletal Hyphae – 400 X
Skeletal Hyphae – 400 X