Bjerkandera adusta (Willd.) P. Karst.

Syn:Polyporus adustus (Willd.)Fr.Profile Group: Basidiomycota, Polyporales,Meruliaceae
Macroscopic charactersshapeSessile; effused-reflexed; occasionally resupinate; often in imbricate clusters
sizeReflexed up to 3 cm
pileusCream to buff; tomentose or strigose to glabrous with age
contextPale buff; azonate; distinct thin upper layer of tomentum up to 6 mm thick
pore surfaceGray to black
poresAngular; regular; 6-7 per mm
tube layer(s)Smoky gray; distinct from context; up to 1 mm thick
Microscopic charactershyphal systemMonomitic; with thin- and thick- walled generative hyphae
clamp connectionsContextual hyphae with abundant clamps
sterile elementsDark brownish vascular hyphae sometimes present in subhymenium and in hymenial layer
basidiosporesShort-cylindric; hyaline; smooth; 5-6 x 2.5-3.5 µm
Habitat characterssubstrate/hostMany genera of hardwoods; rarely on conifers
type of decayWhite rot of logs and slash
rangeCircumglobal in the Northern Hemisphere
ReferencesGilbertson & Ryvarden, 1986; Overholts, 1953
Species distribution in North Carolina
Habit of Basidiocarp
Habit of Basidiocarp

Generative Hyphae & Clamp Connection – 400 X
Generative Hyphae & Clamp Connection – 1000 X

Basidiospores – 1000 X
Basidiospores – 1000 X