Macroscopic characters | shape | Dimidiate; ungulate to applanate |
size | Up to 10 x 18 x 13 cm |
texture | Finely hispid to tometose or finally glabrous |
pileus | Cinnamon buff or ochraceous tawny with age |
stipe | N/A |
context | Pale buff |
pore surface | Pale buff to ochraceous |
pores | Circular to angular; often daedaleoid; 1-2 mm in diameter |
tube layer(s) | Concolorous and continuous with the context, up to 2 cm thick |
Microscopic characters | hyphal system | Monomitic |
clamp connections | On thick walled generative hyphae |
sterile elements | None |
basidiospores | Ovoid to ellipsoid; hyaline; smooth; 7-9 x 6-7 um |
Habitat characters | substrate/host | Commonly on living oaks but occasionally on hosts in other genera |
seasonality | Annual |
type of decay | White trunk rot of living hardwoods |
range | To be expected throughout the range of oaks in North America. Common in Arizona and New Mexico. Known only in North America. |
Notes | Readily recognized in the field by the thick, pale brownish, sessile basidiocarps with large pores. Microscopically the monomitic hyphal system with thick-walled generative hyphae with abundant clamps and ellipsoid spores are distinctive. |
References | Overholts, 1953; Gilbertson & Ryvarden, 1986. |